
Strategies , Best Practices , ESG and Our Advisors

Strategic Approach


Strategy and Business Model

We aim to maximise value for all shareholders while ensuring sustainable and responsible mining and exploration. Our disciplined, modern approach to operational efficiency ensures NEO's growth without compromising on its solid foundation.

Stakeholder Engagement and Social Responsibility

Building strong relationships with diverse stakeholders, including local communities, shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, regulators, industry bodies, and creditors, is essential for our long-term success. We prioritise understanding their needs through regular feedback and external dialogues.
We engage with shareholders through frequent RNS updates and set up annual and general meetings to facilitate two-way communication.


Effective Risk Management

The Audit Committee maintains proper financial reporting procedures, adhering to governing regulations.
The Remuneration and Nominations Committee ensures a strategic remuneration plan and optimal Board structure for corporate governance

Environmental, Social and Governance factors

 We align with international best practices for environmental, social, governance, and ethical standards. Our commitment to sustainable development includes responsible resource management and environmental protection.

We aim to provide responsibly mined Uranium, minimising adverse effects on natural resources and promoting socio-economic development in our operational areas.

Environmental consciousness is integrated into our decision-making, fostering partnerships with conservation and environmental bodies. 

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Environmental Consciousness

Whilst we remain realistic about the impacts of Uranium production on the environment, we are confident in our ability to minimise and mitigate negative impacts and counter these with sustainability projects that have scope beyond the lifespan of our operations.

By undertaking extensive environmental research as part of our due diligence procedure we can set realistic environmental sustainability goals, monitor our impact and remain accountable and transparent.

Achieving these goals requires the integration of environmental consciousness into everyday management decisions and something which we call environmental foresight; that is, ensuring that our decisions and actions, despite potentially having some negative implications in the short term, are overwhelmingly positive over the long term.

As part of this, we look to work closely with conservation and environmental bodies to actively improve our surrounding environment and create awareness, both locally and internationally, of the importance of sustainability, particularly in the Uranium industry. 


Commitment , Responsible Production , Employee Well Being and Safety

At Neo Energy Metals, we are committed to going beyond compliance, aiming to be a leader within our sector, creating a tangible business case for sustainability and acting as a responsible ‘citizen’ in society.

This involves understanding the needs of, and actively working to add value to our stakeholders, specifically our people, local communities, host nations, environment and the broader Uranium industry.

We go beyond compliance, emphasising ethics and sustainability in our core values.
Our commitment to transparency, integrity, and accountability extends to partners and supply chain collaboration. 

We strive to conduct extensive social, economic, and environmental research as part of our asset assessment and due diligence process to determine the precise state of affairs prior to investment this is to ensure measurable impacts and accountability.

We aspire to become a recognised industry leader through our commitments and achievements. 

Our workforce's safety, wellbeing, and satisfaction are paramount. We prioritise health and safety, diversity, open communication, and community ties.

Our Advisors
DMH Stallard LLP

Company’s Solicitors

6 New Street Square

Share Registrars Ltd


27-28 Eastcastle Street
W1W 8DH 

St Brides Partners Limited

Financial PR Adviser

3 St Michael’s Alley

PKF Littlejohn LLP

Auditors and Reporting Accountants

15 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf, London
E14 4HD